Monday, October 21, 2013

Name: Marcus Guerro
Part: Nose
Why: I feel that my nose is one of my best features. I broke my nose playing basketball and I did not realize how important my nose was until it was injured. We need our nose for various reasons. Not only for looks but also to breath and survive!
Name: Jessica Hassan
Part: Brain/Eyes
Why: I would definitely insure my brain. This post should be entitled a mind is a terrible thing to waste lmao! I would insure my eyes because they show everything you are feeling, they allow you to see life and all that god has created, your eyes show you care, are happy, sad, nervous, everything. To never hear is one thing but to loose sight would be devastating.
Name: Vy Nyugen

Part: Taste buds 
Why: I cannot live with out my tastebuds. I love to travel the word and try unique foods from various cultures. I love to eat! Food makes me happy and I do not know what I would do if I could not taste the great seasoning and flavor in food.
Name: Horace Brown
Part: Voice
Why: I would get my voice insured because I'm a television weatherman. I could write the weather, sign the weather, do it in a wheel chair or with no arms but not without my voice. My personality is what makes my weather cast unique and that comes through when I speak.

Name: Elicia Monroe
Part: Face
Why: I would insure my face because I am a model.  I work hard by eating healthy and drinking a lot of water to maintain clear skin.  It is a lot of work but it is worth every minute to keep my beauty alive.

Name: Blair Dottin-Haley
Part: Vocal Chords
Why: I'd insure my vocal chords for a few reasons.  As a singer, public speaker, and professional
development trainer, my voice is the instrument that I use to share music and information.